Paleo Trip Info

 Welcome to Paleo Field School 2022!  

Emergency Contact Information

  1. Dr. Anthony Salem -,  

  2. Ms. Tiffney Trimble –

  3. James Quillin, High School Director, at 281-822-8021 

 *after hours for use in case of emergency only: 281-908-9434

4.  Backup contact: Debbie Henderson, MDC Administrator, at 281-822-8035; 

*after hours for use in case of emergency only: 713-416-3518.

Please complete prior to the trip:

ALL medications need to be submitted before Spring Break (3/9/22) in a ziplock bag with signed Medication Dispensing form. We will not be bringing any medications from Post Oak. Please bring new prescription medications for the duration of the trip. We carry all OTC medications from the list. Make sure you are signed off on the list of OTCs before the beginning of the trip. (Via Magnus).

We are required to test for COVID prior to the trip. Parents must wait until the results are ready.

Listed below is a basic pack list, you won’t need any specialized gear as the Whiteside Museum will supply all the tools we need for excavation. There are few shopping opportunities in town limited to an IGA grocery, a Family Dollar, a small pharmacy, hometown hardware store and a seasonal bait shop.

Please use duffels rather than hard suitcases – space is very limited in the van. We will put as much as possible under the seats. 

Please bring enough clothing for 8 days. All clothing must conform with POHS appearance policy.

Pack List: 

  • Sturdy ankle high shoes – essential!  Please make sure they are closed toed! These can be heavy sneakers or hiking shoes

  • Medication (personal) 

  • Wide Brimmed Hat

  • 36+ SPF Sunscreen

  • Insect repellant

  • Sunglasses

  • Water bottle

  • Long pants – You will need to wear these everyday!

  • Selection of shirts - both long and short sleeves

  • Hotel clothes to hang out in and go to dinner in

  • Jacket that you don’t mind getting dirt on for chilly mornings

  • Flashlight

  • Shoes for the hotel (Flip Flops, tennis shoes, Crocs or the like) 

  • Backpack, fanny pack or field bag

  • Some cash for incidentals or the weird objects d’art we see while passing a yard sale. There is an ATM at the filling station and there may be a bank one as well.

  • Gloves - If you have a pair you like, great, but there are always some in the field kit.

  • Something soft to kneel on (ex. Knee pads or garden kneeling pads – available at Home Depot)

  • Personal Toiletries

  • Clean socks for eight days

  • Underwear – enough for eight days

  • Pajamas

  • Dirty clothes bag

  • Poncho

  • Permian Field Guide (provided)

  • Rite-In-The-Rain notebook (provided)

  • Field pouch (provided)

  • Pencils and pens


● All electronic devices, including your cell phone

● Jewelry and accessories

● Bedding

The Museum will provide a first aid kit that has a little more than a basic kit plus a sting/bite kit and a snake bite kit.  If you know you will need something in particular (ie. an epipen or inhaler) please let us know! We want to make sure you are safe! Also is anyone allergic to stings- bees, wasps, scorpions etc? Or have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?  We want to know this information in advance. 

Generally, late March is a nice time of year to be outside in Texas. Average high temperatures should range from 67-76°F and average low temperatures should range from 40-49°F. Be advised, though, this is Texas, and we will be working outdoors, so be prepared for any weather!

Itinerary for Field experiences

First Day (Mar 23) 

8:00 - Meet at Post Oak HS, load vehicles for trip

9:00 am - Depart POHS 

12:00 - lunch

17:00 - Arrive at Ranger Creek Ranch 

18:00 – Dinner  

Daily schedule (3/24-3/29)

7:00 Breakfast at ranch

8:00 Pack water, snacks and lunch

8:30 Meet at Whiteside Museum of Natural History 

9:00 - Depart WMNH

9:15 - 16:00 Class and field exercises (lunch in the field)

16:15 Return from field

17:30 Daily de-brief, blog entry

18:30 - Dinner at ranch (some evenings we will have dinner w/Chris and Holly from WMNH)

19:30-22:00 - Evening fun! Some nights we’ll play games or tell stories, do night hikes, or check out a movie in the town’s old-time theater, or whatever we feel like doing!

Last Day (3/30)

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Depart Seymour for Houston

12:00 Lunch

17:00 Arrive POHS, unload vehicles


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